Sunday, July 13, 2008

On being home

So home is great. Besides my friends and family, everything seems to be pretty much the same here. I wouldn't say I'm having reverse culture shock; it's more like post traumatic stress disorder. Like I almost missed my sister's art opening because I couldn't decide what to wear. There were just too many options. I was used to the same 4 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. The price of gas was a big blow, but since I haven't had a car, it hasn't been a problem. And for those of you wondering how we used to live before we had cell phones, it's kind of nice but isolating. I feel like I'm still in another country using email as my main form of communication. But, yes, it's great to go home and check the answering machine. (I can't believe I could still find one.)

I just wanted to thank everyone who made my adventure such a success. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for all of your support in making the leap to quit my job and travel. Thanks for helping me prepare with travel books and tons of gear from REI. I'm so attached to my back pack that I just can't seem to unpack it quite yet. It's practically been my home for the last 7 months. Thank you for all your support and prayers throughout the adventure. They made it a success. And thanks to everyone who read my blog! I really appreciate the comments and feedback. I hope everyone is having a great summer, I know I am now that I'm home!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Home, Sweet, Home

I've had enough. I'm done. I'm home! I had a fabulous adventure but it was starting to wear on me. I was exhausted and homesick. So after 7 months, I decided to call it quits. And it's wonderful to be home! I'm so happy!!! It's great to have fresh clothes, a comfy bed and clean feet. I can't wait to catch up with everyone. I'd love to hear from you: I hope everyone's having a great summer. Happy 4th of July!