Friday, April 11, 2008

Hyderabad- Part Duex

I decided to spend the next 3 weeks until my mom arrives at Cate's school in Hyderabad. It's a beautiful campus with a pretty sweet schedule: yoga every morning and 2.5 hours of classes starting at 10:30, including a tea break. I participated in the Art and Peace Building Workshop that was going on at the time. We each painted t-shirts with something having to do with peace. The instructor was an amazing artist and dedicated facilitator. He got really into the idea of a fashion show to show off our shirts. We decorated, rehersed, and filmed it. Unfortunately only 2 people came to watch. As things sometimes do, it turned into a dance party. Cate's been showing off her Hindi dance moves, which people really appreciate. And I think Suhail should try out for 'So you think you can dance.' He'd take the universe by storm.

When we weren't in class, Cate and I were hanging out with a family living on campus. They have 4 kids. We watched Bollywood movies, danced, did hair and ate the spiciest food of our lives. One day we had planned to take the kids to the pool but after the mom told us that the kids got skin diseases last year, we opted for the zoo. The zoo was quite impressive and best of all the sprinklers were on. It's so hot!

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