Thursday, March 6, 2008

Me on being a vegetarian

IMG_1166, originally uploaded by cbern18.

I'm a quitter. I quit my job; I quit drinking; I quit guitar. Now I quit eating meat and using toilet paper. (JK about that last one). I think India must be the easiest country to be a vegetarian. Every other restaurant is vegetarian and every restaurant has a veg menu. Buffets are lined up with veg on one side and meat on the other. I haven't really noticed a difference in how I feel, maybe because the food is so different in general. My mouth is constantly on fire. I never know what I'm ordering, but it always tastes good. I don't think I've had a meal that I didn't like, which is good because I can never remember the names of anything to re-order it or avoid it. I've decided each little metal (tiffen) bowl filled with sauce is like a little garden with its big leaves of spices, little trees of cauliflower, and sticks of other spices. Even though I need frequent breaks from rice, the food is delicious.

And going to a restaurant is always an experience in itself. Either four waiters (I haven't seen a waitress yet) hover around me and ignore the other customers or there are more waiters than tables but I can't get anyone to help me. Sometimes customers will join me even if there are other tables available. They either want all my contact info within the first minute or don't talk to me at all. It's the strangest thing.

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